Friday, January 23, 2009

Examples of those questions/arguments:

"Mom, what are they doing?"

"It looks like they are cutting down trees."

"No they're not.......Well if they are why are they doing that?"

"Maybe they are going to use the wood to make a house or paper. We use wood to make lots of things."

"Like zoos?"

"I guess some things at the zoo are made from wood."

" I bet they are building a zoo there." (keep in mind this is on a rural road in Bryant)

"I don't think they are building a zoo right here."

"Yes they are! Why would you say that Mom?"

I knew as I wrote my post yesterday I wanted to remember those conversations that happen 100 times a day. So this is for of those things I will look back and laugh at but right now drive you up the wall when they occur sooooo often. I love that kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i thought of this post this morning when evan was looking at his animal magazine (he got a subscription for christmas)and he asked....mommy what is this?? i read it and told him it was a scallop. he said, no its not silly! oh, what is to come! i forget that evan is 6 months younger and each new phase of parkers is soon to come for evan!