Why oh why am I still awake...I'll tell you why. I got to looking at custom clothes for little girls and I have looked wayyy to long. I can't wait for the fall now that Maggie is walking. The fall brings school and well....I am a little sad to send Parker to preschool. I mean it is 3 hours only 3 days a week. But a selfish part of me wants to keep him to myself...teach him myself. I am not saying homeschooling is selfish...I am still undecided about what we will do when real school comes. Basically it comes down to how this goes. I guess the freedom of choosing a curriculum that is best for your child is so exciting to me. As a former teacher I always felt like I was a disciplinarian and a whole bunch of other horrible stuff. Rarely did I feel like I was giving my students what I thought they needed. It was always someone else telling me what to teach and how to teach it. Parker is beside himself with excitement for school. He doesn't know that he won't eat lunch there yet and I am not excited about telling him...that was his favorite part of mother's day out. I don't care if my kids can read at four or anything like that but I just want to do all the things that I never got to do in my class. I know....just do it...I will. Preschool or not I can give them experiences and we can write about them together. I love being home! Have I said that lately? I think my thankfulness happens most this time of year when I think of that pit in my stomach dread of going back to school...as a teacher. I think I am the only teacher minded person that hated teaching! This will be my third year to watch the school year begin from home. Nothing better than to have all our favorite hang outs to ourselves during the day...chick-fil-a play land, the park, library....all free from big kids.
Oh I guess I could talk about this evening. I bought Parker a pirate hat in Daytona during beach camp...he didn't need another t-shirt from somewhere he couldn't go. Anyway, last night at Target I found a cute pirate set on clearance. It had a pirate gun (sorry if i offend) sword and bandana hat. I bought it thinking about Halloween. Parker and I played pirates today...don't you love where he kept his sword!
The most important thing we did tonight is bake cookies. My great-grandmother is turning 102 on Sunday! No one believes me but it is true. We are driving 2 1/2 hours to take her some cookies tomorrow. She will be so happy. My grandmother and my mother are only children so my sister and I are pretty important to our small family. Parker is the first boy they have been around and they think he is hilarious...he is. After I put Maggie to bed Parker and I baked 3 dozen cookies. I hope he is as enthusiastic when we take them to her as he was making them.
I love Parker's holster. Im glad I got to see you guys for a couple hrs Saturday. Thanks so much for all the clothes and the bouncy seat! I still can't believe I'm gonna get to use them!
Either weekend is great for me. Labor day is the first week in Sept. so that might be easier...or harder for yall? I will check my book at work tomorrow and see if I have any appts already scheduled for either weekend and that could be our deciding factor?? I cannot wait!
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