Sunday, July 20, 2008

Discipline for dummies

Okay we went to give report on missions and camp tonight at church and Parker's extended time care person from this morning, a woman I respect, informed me how hard Parker was to deal with this morn. I am so scared that he is going to not be well behaved in school. What do you do? How do you keep a three year old from not throwing tantrums when they don't get their way? I will be researching this topic after I finish this post but in the mean time I am just saying...ugh. It is embarrassing. I mean your children are an extension of you and I feel that 10 times over. Am I too tough or not tough enough. Do I expect too much or not enough? Do I show him I think he is great or does he feel like a troublemaker? I hope not. I feel like I am constantly exasperated by him...Maggie too for that matter. For a moment I felt as though we were making progress. I asked this lady if he is usually that bad. She said not as bad as today but he is difficult. I will begin to follow up better at church. I usually pick up Maggie and Jer does Parker and I don't think public behavior is as big a deal to Jer as it is me. I guess me fear is that he will be the bad kid in school. I was not the best disciplinarian as a teacher and my lack of confidence in that area haunts me. I know he is only three but I don't want to be a parent that excuses behavior because of age. He is only 3, he is only 6...... he is only 16! I want people to be honest with me. If they see me doing something or not doing something that I should do as a mom I need to know. This IS my first rodeo here. When I pray as a mom it is usually for patience and helping me know how to guide him to the cross. Maybe I need to be more specific...


Adrienne said...

Keep on keeping on! I know its hard to know if what you're doing is right..I mean I have no idea either, but I think his and her understanding is growing every day. EVERY mom has difficulty at different points in their child's development. It doesn't mean you're a bad mom! It doesn't reflect on you like that at all. Every child is different and it doesn't matter if its your first rodeo or not...its always your first rodeo with that particular child! Keep your head up, you're doing the right thing. None of us likes 'criticism' in our jobs, but we ALL get it. So you're not alone.

Anonymous said...

i found it!! aaah.....3 yr olds. i think we had some of this conversation the other day. im glad that you have a teacher that is honest with you.....i think that is a great step. i need to make sure that i am asking about evan glad you made me think of that. you are doing a great job with parker...and with maggie. i can tell everytime i see him that he is understanding more and more.... i have been praying for patience and understanding.....ive realized a lot of the problems with me and evan are communication related.

The "W" Family said...

oh girl, I feel your pain. we are doing VBS this week and I am my little 4 year olds teacher and I came home tonight telling David that I give up. My son was the worst one in our class. It is embarassing and frustrating. I wonder where I went wrong. If you find any tips, pass them along!